Communal Dining Room for Migrants

Project Leader:

Reverend Eduardo Cueva

Everything started from this current year and at the request of our Parish Priest, Eduardo Cueva. Cáritas, its volunteers, and thanks to the help of the inhabitants of Monteserrin, we began to try to cover the most critical demands of our migrant brothers. For example, the most critical needs were clothes, food and household products that were kept in our communal house. This help allowed us to have a permanent donation and assistance. However, due to the high demand of basic needs we have not been able to cover all the requests we receive daily.
In short, we need more food and clothing to assist our migrant brothers. The request for help has not stopped and each month more people request it. Please help us.



of $2,500 raised

Patrick donated $25.

Maryanne donated $25.

Lisa donated $50.

Anonymous donated $25.

Connie donated $100.

Anonymous donated $250.

Anonymous donated $25.

Jean donated $20.

Diana donated $10.

Anonymous donated $100.

Mary Ann donated $100.

Anonymous donated $100.

Anonymous donated $25.

Mark donated $25.

Bob donated $50.

Anonymous donated $100.

Ana donated $25.

Paul donated $50.

Anonymous donated $25.

Cecilia donated $25.

Katherine donated $50.

Adrian donated $25.

Billy donated $25.

Anonymous donated $62.

Edward donated $25.

Paul donated $25.

Anonymous donated $25.

Paul donated $25.

Anonymous donated $25.

Anonymous donated $25.

Anonymous donated $10.

Allissa donated $25.

Anonymous donated $10.

Paul donated $10.

Anonymous donated $100.

Anonymous donated $47.

Anonymous donated $10.

cathy donated $5.

Marcos donated $5.

Fernando donated $5.

Agustin Guzman donated $5.

Betty donated $5.

thomas donated $5.

Anonymous donated $500.

Nadia donated $25.

Daniel donated.

nghiem donated.

Laura donated $10.

patricia donated $5.

Laura donated $10.

What your donation can do!

  • $250 Útiles de aseo personal
  • $500 Ropa para adultos y niños
  • $1,000 Canasta básica, por ej: arroz, fréjol, azúcar,etc.

Project Updates

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Patrick donated $25.

59 months ago

Maryanne donated $25.

59 months ago

Lisa donated $50.

59 months ago

Anonymous donated $25.

59 months ago

Connie donated $100.

59 months ago

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