Repairs of Priests’ Rectory in Naroosura, Kenya

Project Leader:

Reverend Ambrose Musyoka

Naroosura is one of 35 parishes in the Diocese of Ngong which covers the entire region of Maasai land in Kenya. Naroosura parish covers geographical area of 1859.8 Sq. Kms and population of about 38,000. The rectory, built by the late Father Angelo Insam, in 2003 needs major repairs. The foundation has considerable cracks, painting is peeling, doors and windows are loose. These current conditions along with a compromised sewage system is very dangerous and unfit for priests to live in and or welcome parishioners. Please consider helping—$25 helps buy paint and other supplies.



of $2,000 raised

Beth donated $50.

Catherine donated $25.

Liliana donated $10.

Lorena donated $10.

Catherine donated $100.

Joan donated $25.

Anonymous donated $50.

Eileen R donated $10.

Anonymous donated $10.

Roger donated $10.

Matthew donated $50.

Anonymous donated $10.

Gerard donated $25.

Sandra donated $25.

Anonymous donated $25.

Peter donated $50.

Lorena donated $10.

Mark donated $25.

John donated $50.

Tammy donated $100.

Anonymous donated $25.

Gail donated $50.

Edwin donated $25.

Judith donated $25.

Mary Ann donated $100.

Jordi donated $25.

Leo P donated $50.

Annette donated $50.

Aaron donated $75.

James donated $250.

RAMON donated $50.

Catherine donated $50.

Jason donated $20.

Catherine donated $25.

Catherine donated $50.

Anonymous donated $25.

Catherine donated $25.

Carole donated $25.

Catherine donated $25.

mario donated $10.

Catherine donated $50.

ely donated $25.

Cynthia donated $25.

Neil donated $25.

liza donated $25.

Tom donated $25.

Anonymous donated $25.

Collette donated $30.

Ruth donated $10.

Anonymous donated $50.

What your donation can do!

  • $10 purchases 2 bags of cement
  • $20 buys 5 gallons of paint
  • $250 helps buy windows
  • $500 helps buy doors and locks
  • $1,000 helps repair sewage system
  • $2,500 helps fix roof and other repairs

Project Updates

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1.Funds acknowledgement receipt 2.Items purchase receipt

46 months ago

Repair of priests rectory in Narosura parish,Ngong diocese,Kenya. (A) Money received-US$2,075.00 (B) Equivalent to ksh-215,800.00 (C) Date of funding-7th July,2020 (D)Project Implementation report The project proposal was aimed to repair priests house in Narosura parish,Ngong diocese,Kenya. The areas that were proposed for the repair were:- 1.Roof and ceilings 2.Doors and Windows 3.Wall and floor cracks 4.Painting 5.Plumping and sewage system The repairs were carried on well although there were some challenges that were encountered. (E) Setbacks 1.The funds were not enough to do all the repairs as proposed in the project. The fund requested was Kes 500,000 but the the received funds was ksh 215,800. 2.Straining budget due to insufficient funds 3.labour and building materials price change due to the covid 19 pandemic outbreak. (F) Achieved Results From the funds received the following was fully released. 1. Roof and ceiling were fixed 2.Door and window 3.Wall and floor cracks were all repair 4.Painting 5. Plumping and sewage system (G) Local contribution. Due to insufficient funds the parishioners did fundraising to cover the cost of the areas that the project funds could not cover,e.g Plumping,sewage system and painting. (H) Conclusion. I would like to thank pontifical Mission societies of America for facilitating the financial assistance to our parish project.More specifically i would like to the donors who gave their money the realization of project generously.May God bless them all. (J) Pictorial image1.jpeg 1.The new look of Narosura priests house image3.jpeg 2.The replacement of windows image4.jpeg 3.Fabrication of metal windows image5.jpeg 4.Transportation of the project materials image1.jpeg 5. Painting on progress image1.jpeg 6.Roofing Repair image1.jpeg 7.Interior doors repair

46 months ago

Repair of the rectory on progress

48 months ago

48 months ago

Thanks dear friends for your generous donation,the repair of the rectory has started as you can see from the photos.

48 months ago

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