Mision Padre Pepe: Help Children in Need

Project Leader:

Reverend Jose Maria Di Paola

Violence, drug addiction and social marginalization plague the youth of Villa La Cárcova in Argentina - one of the villas miseria, or misery villages. Mision Padre Pepe's team of change-makers are making a difference for those youth at risk, acquiring land and a small building to provide a place to care for their needs and those of their families – from addiction and accompaniment programs, to food and clothing banks.



of $500 raised

Victoria donated $5.

Cat donated $5.

David donated $25.

Anne donated $19.

David donated $25.

Carina donated $100.

Kevin donated $20.

Marissa donated $100.

Willy donated $100.

Andrew donated $20.

Monica donated $10.

Marilyn donated $25.

What your donation can do!

  • $20 Can feed volunteers
  • $100 Provide resources and training for addiction counselors
  • $5,000 Can help improve the community center and chapel

Project Updates

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Does anyone know how to get in touch with Reverend Jose Maria Di Paola? ¿Alguien sabe cómo ponerse en contacto con el reverendo José María Di Paola?

55 months ago

Victoria donated $5.

67 months ago

Cat donated $5.

67 months ago

David donated $25.

71 months ago

Anne donated $19.

74 months ago

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