Empower Female Farmers in Kenya

Project Leader:

Sister Lydia Wachira

Giving female farmers in developing countries, like Sister Lydia, the same resources as men can reduce the number of hungry people in the world would reduce by 150 million. That is not a made-up statistic. Look it up! Sister Lydia’s farm and business is intended to employ local women and youth, and ensure sustainable food security in the Meru region of Kenya. Start-up costs include purchasing cell phones for financial transactions, buying dairy cows, and building a greenhouse. Give $25 to support the Nazareth Sisters of the Annunciation and their agri-business start-up.



of $2,000 raised

Lorraine donated.

Patricia donated $20.

Monica donated $50.

Connie donated $5.

Madeline donated $150.

Monica donated $10.

Damian donated $150.

Glen donated $50.

Edward donated $500.

Dave donated $20.

Dena donated $25.

Andrew donated $100.

Lorraine donated.

Susan donated $25.

Lorraine donated.

Augie and Trena donated $25.

Beth donated $100.

John donated $25.

Norma donated $10.

Monica donated $5.

Monica donated $10.

Andrew donated $10.

What your donation can do!

  • $100 Buys two cell phones
  • $150 Pays for construction of Greenhouse
  • $250 Buys materials for greenhouse
  • $500 Pays for land clearing and buys seeds for planting
  • $1,000 Purchase of 3 Dairy cows for milk production.

Project Updates

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kangombe shared.

68 months ago

Lorraine donated.

85 months ago

Patricia donated $20.

85 months ago

Monica shared.

85 months ago

Monica donated $50.

85 months ago

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