Chicken Farm in Tanzania

Project Leader:

Sister Veronica Mwansha

The Congregation of Queen of Apostles among all other activities, also give catechetical instruction, help the elderly and sick, instruct those preparing for baptism and help out in other schools in the area. At the same time, they also serve as sacristans in the parishes. The congregation has 37 aspirants, 66 postulants, 37 novitiates. The parish is unable to fund both the living costs and the travel expenses of the Sisters. To support themselves, they have been growing fruits and vegetables in their garden for sale locally. But despite their efforts, it does not produce enough income to live on. The Sisters came up with a creative idea! They would set up a chicken rearing project, they would sell the eggs, and the hens for meat. Please help the Sisters of the Congregation of Queen of Apostles run chicken farm and secure a livelihood so that they may help others.



of $2,000 raised

Anonymous donated $195.

Patti donated $25.

Lambert donated.

Anonymous donated $50.

Mark donated $50.

Matthew donated $25.

Anonymous donated $100.

Mike donated $50.

Anonymous donated $50.

Anonymous donated $100.

Nancy donated $50.

Sarah donated $10.

Anonymous donated $500.

Anonymous donated $50.

Anonymous donated $10.

joanna donated $50.

Anonymous donated $35.

Anonymous donated $500.

What your donation can do!

  • $100 Shall be used to buy hens to start the project
  • $150 helps buy medicine
  • $250 helps buy food for the chickens
  • $1,000 construction good place for keeping Chickens

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Hello. Thanks all for supporting our Queen of the Apostles Congregation project for keeping Chicken to sustain the Formation Houses. Be assured of our little helpful Prayers for all who have supported us in this Project. Thank you very much.

50 months ago

Anonymous donated $195.

50 months ago

Hello Patti Thanks for helping us to reach our planned goal. It's almost finished all this is due to your Donation materials and Spiritual aid to us. We keep the promise to keep praying for you always and be assured of this.

50 months ago

Patti donated $25.

50 months ago

Hello Lambert Thanks for your Donation to support the Queen of Apostles Congregation for keeping Chicken for the formation houses of Nuns. May God Bless you. We keep joining with the World to pray for this Disease which have affected all the world. May also the departed Souls may they get Eternal Rest

50 months ago

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