Beca para hermanas

Lider de Proyecto

Sister Joseph Leenamma

El Colegio Pontificio Internacional Maria Mater Ecclesiae en Roma forma seminaristas y hermanas de todo el mundo para el liderazgo en una Iglesia global. Después de la graduación, la hermana Joseph Leenamma, también conocida como la Hermana Maggie, planea regresar a la India para enseñar en las aldeas rurales. Como Misionera de Jesús, la Hermana Maggie ha trabajado entre los márgenes de la sociedad, ha cruzado límites y barreras rotas, trabajando por un mundo de paz, justicia e inclusión. Done $ 25 para apoyar su educación en el Colegio Pontificio Internacional Maria Mater Ecclesiae en Roma.



de $635 recaudado

Anonymous donated $250.

Mary donated $100.

Scott donated $5.

James donated $5.


Philip donated $5.

claude donated $5.

Dennis donated $100.

Anonymous donated $25.

Karla donated $10.

Andrew donated $50.

Andrew donated $50.

¡Lo que su donación puede hacer!

  • $50 Provides the daily all-inclusive costs of tuition, room and boar
  • $150 Provides one month of health care coverage
  • $500 Provides textbooks annually
  • $1,000 Provides the annual cost of transportation
  • $2,500 Provides a month of scholarship support

Actualizaciones de Proyectos

Inicia sesión para añadir un comentario

Good afternoon sister. This is Sr. Florence from Uganda, currently working in Uganda. I would love to register and pursue a PhD at Makerere University in Counselling Psychology. I hereby request your assistance in achieving this goal. Thank you and may God bless you.

11 days ago

Good afternoon. I am a Vietnamese Dominican sister. I am serving as a teacher and as the same time I am in charge of a boarding house manager for about 300 female high school and college poor students. I would like to make a PhD in counseling to be better in my ministries. I am appreciated all what you've done and looking forward to receice your assisstance.

1 month ago

Goodevening Sr. and happy Easter, I'm Sr. Symphrose from Uganda ,currently working in Kenya. I would like to register for PhD program at the catholic university Of Eastern Africa (CUEA) in Educational administration and planning. Kindly assist me pursue this course. Thank you and may God Bless you abundantly.

6 months ago

Good afternoon. I have read what you do and I'm happy with your work. I would like to enroll for a PhD program in Educational administration and planning. Please assist me pursue this course. Thanks and many blessings

23 months ago

Good evening, I'm delighted with your work. Please assist me with your email address

25 months ago

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