Help Grow Hope in Kenya

Project Leader:

Sister Josyline Mwebia

Give $25 to help the Holy Trinity Sisters develop their farm. Where the sisters live in Isiolo County is such an arid area that people must travel long distances to buy their food. The Holy Trinity Sisters started a sustainable farm to address this serious issue of food security in their community and in this challenging climate. They are developing natural irrigation techniques to grow vegetables such as onions, tomoatoes, kale, and edible root plants. They are also raising dairy cattle and poultry. As the project grows, Sister Josyline Makena hopes to expand the farm into a business that can both employ and feed people in Isiolo. Give $25 to help grow hope in Kenya.



of $1,500 raised

Joseph donated $91.

Anonymous donated $50.

Brock donated $25.

Phillip donated $24.

Anonymous donated $25.

Anonymous donated $10.

Teresa donated $25.

Kristie donated $50.

Anonymous donated $25.

Victoria donated $25.

Teresa donated.

David donated $100.

Marie donated $50.

w donated $25.

Howard donated $25.

Barbara donated $25.

Elise donated $50.

Lorraine donated.

David donated $40.

Shirl donated $20.

Joanne donated $20.

David donated $50.

Ventura donated $50.

Patricia donated $40.

Patricia donated $50.

Mike donated $50.

Jennifer donated $50.

Claire donated $20.

Andrew donated $20.

Jack donated $100.

Robert R donated $50.

What your donation can do!

  • $20 Helps purchases supplies
  • $50 Helps cover operation costs
  • $150 Helps the Sisters receive training on irrigation techniques.

Project Updates

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Merry Christmas my benefactors. What can I offer to such a generous heart? Mine is to pray for you.God bless you.

68 months ago

Joseph donated $91.

69 months ago

Anonymous donated $50.

69 months ago

God bless you abundantly

69 months ago

Brock donated $25.

70 months ago

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