An Intensive Care Unit in Kenya

Project Leader:

Sister Jane Ataku

The public hospital in Leseru, Kenya, is overcrowded. Patients often die while waiting for treatment. Sister Jane Ataku is raising money to expand Trinity Mission Hospital and address this dire need. Trinity will begin phase one of its new construction as soon it has funds to do so. Its new intensive care unit, laboratory, x-ray and pharmacy are essential for its mission to create an environment where the poorest patients are welcomed, helped, healed and heard. Give $25 to support this life-saving and hope-giving work.



of $5,000 raised

Sugi donated $200.

John donated $25.

Herbert donated $10.

Michael donated $25.

Lambert donated $25.

Pat donated $25.

Anonymous donated $50.

Christine donated $25.

Lorraine donated.

Krzysztof donated $100.

Jackie donated $10.

Kathy donated $25.

Joe donated $10.

Patrick donated $50.

edward donated $73.

Joseph donated $50.

Kenneth donated $100.

Luzis donated $30.

Dave donated $100.

Richard donated $25.

Akira donated $300.

Gheorghe donated $10.

Susan donated $25.

Peter donated $100.

Kate donated $50.

Raymond donated $25.

Tania donated $50.

Megan donated $30.

Patrick donated $100.

Teresa donated $50.

Susan donated $25.

Michael donated $25.

Marta donated $100.

Theresal donated $100.

Tim donated $25.

Craig donated $25.

John donated $25.

Len donated $100.

Pat donated $1.

Mariangeles donated $50.

Noel donated $50.

Andrew donated $50.

Daniel donated $10.

Paul donated $25.

What your donation can do!

  • $50 Helps purchase cement
  • $100 Helps buy stones for construction
  • $500 Helps pay for the labor of pouring the foundation

Project Updates

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Sugi donated $200.

76 months ago

John donated $25.

77 months ago

Herbert donated $10.

77 months ago

Thanking our donors. Your contribution will help us buy 100 sacks of cement, sand, small stones timbers and pay for the labour.

78 months ago

Project Leader:

Jane Ataku
Thanks for your donations. They will help us to buy hospital things.

77 months ago

Michael donated $25.

78 months ago

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All Fundraisers: $0 total raised so far

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margaret nzwii


Raised: $0