Protect the Church in India

Project Leader:

Reverend Arokia Samy

Despite being 19.9 million strong, Catholics in India are only 2% of the population. The rise of Hindu nationalism has increased persecutions of this Catholic minority. Lay catechists are performing the majority of ministry during this difficult time. In the Diocese of Vellore, there are only thirteen trained volunteers for eighty five parishes. Fr. Samy believes the best way to protect the Church in his diocese is to train effective lay leaders. A gift of $25 helps him build up and protect the Church in India.



of $1,000 raised

Thomas donated $300.

Jean donated $20.

Sandra donated $25.

Gerard donated $25.

Anonymous donated $25.

Mark donated $25.

Anonymous donated $10.

Jean donated $20.

Anonymous donated $10.

Patrick donated $100.

Kevin donated $3.

Lorraine donated.

Lorraine donated.

Mark donated $20.

What your donation can do!

  • $10 Helps pay for training materials
  • $20 Helps pay for one lay leader
  • $100 Helps pay for five lay leaders

Project Updates

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Thomas donated $300.

57 months ago

Jean donated $20.

58 months ago

Sandra donated $25.

59 months ago

Gerard donated $25.

59 months ago

Anonymous donated $25.

59 months ago

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