Capilla Sagrado Corazón

Project Leader:

Reverend Jose Maria \"Pepe\" Di Paola

Violence and drug addiction plague the youth of Villa La Cárcova in Argentina - one of the villas miseria, or misery villages. The Sacred Heart Chapel, or the Capilla, is a small comprehensive care center for children and families in the poorest area of Villa Cárcova where no other Church presence exists. Padre Pepe, one of Pope Francis’ “priests in the slums” provides food, academic support, catechesis, sports and other recreation activities at the Capilla. Support this important mission.



of $3,000 raised

Anne donated $19.

Kate donated $25.

John donated $25.

Deborah donated $50.

Angela donated $10.

Paul donated $25.

Sean donated $20.

Alan donated $25.

Deborah donated $100.

Willy donated $100.

Cheryl donated $25.

Augie and Trena donated $25.

Jay donated $2,500.

Kevin donated $10.

Andrew donated $100.

Andrew donated $2.

Andrew donated $15.

Marilyn donated $1.

Paul donated $25.

What your donation can do!

  • $100 Pays for school supplies and educational support for 30 children for one month (notebooks, pencils, pens, rubber and sharpener)
  • $250 Buys complete snacks for 50 children (milk, cocoa and sweet biscuits)
  • $500 Buys sport equipment for school sports (balls, nets, bibs, footwear)
  • $2,500 Pays for transportation to and from Cordoba to San Clemente del Tuyu for recreation

Project Updates

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Anne donated $19.

74 months ago

Kate donated $25.

74 months ago

John donated $25.

76 months ago

Deborah donated $50.

78 months ago

Angela donated $10.

82 months ago

1 2 3 4 5 6   

All Fundraisers: $0 total raised so far

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Raised: $0