Help Young Activists in Cameroon

Project Leader:

Reverend Kisito Balla Onana I

Fr. Kisito Balla Onana is committed to promoting the values of generosity and solidarity to young Christians in Cameroon. Fr. Kisito is raising money to educate students in three dioceses and form primary communities. These small affinity groups work in their communities reach out to more disadvantaged community members in direct service but also to advocate for equity in Cameroon society. A gift of $25 helps create school clubs, train peer educators and recruit parents, teachers and community volunteers to further implement the social teachings of the Catholic Church.



of $100 raised

Anne donated $10.

Lorraine donated.

Patty donated $10.

Paul donated $20.

Andrew donated $20.

What your donation can do!

  • $20 Helps buy communication materials
  • $100 Helps pay for transportation for trainers and volunteers
  • $500 Helps pay for training of teachers and parents

Project Updates

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Anne donated $10.

74 months ago

Lorraine donated.

85 months ago

Patty donated $10.

98 months ago

Paul donated $20.

98 months ago

Andrew donated $20.

98 months ago