Build a Church for Morropón Peru

Project Leader:

Mrs. Katie Schmidt

Taylor and Katie Schmidt and their six children; Malachi, Ruth, Leo, Anthony, Faustina, and Adele are a full time missionary family in Peru. They are building a church for the Morropón community because there isn’t one. The church of Morropón currently has mass every two months inside a barn. This faith community desires a church of their own. The community has the land to build on and have raised $300.00 themselves. The Schmidts have raised $20,000.00 and will help with construction themselves.



of $1,250 raised

Christie donated $5.

Ronald donated $50.

Stephen donated $25.

Clemencia donated $100.

Kenneth donated $1,000.

Andrew donated $20.

Patty donated $20.

Patty donated $10.

What your donation can do!

  • $20 Helps with building supplies
  • $100 Helps with larger building supplies and labor costs
  • $500 Helps purchase the windows and lighting
  • $1,000 Helps purchase the church's crucifix.

Project Updates

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Christie donated $5.

83 months ago

Ronald donated $50.

89 months ago

Stephen donated $25.

89 months ago

Clemencia donated $100.

90 months ago

Kenneth donated $1,000.

90 months ago

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