Bring Theology of the Body to Peru

Project Leader:

Mrs. Katie Schmidt

By the age of 19, almost 1 in 5 young women in Peru have already had a child. The high rate of teenage pregnancy in Peru has many factors including poverty and the often-prolonged absence of parents as they seek employment to support family members. Katie Schmidt and her family are serving as Missionaries in a territorial diocese in the region of Picota, Peru. Since arriving, they have witnessed the high rate of young girls becoming young mothers. Katie and her family hope to share the Theology of the Body curriculum with young girls in their community to help them make such adult decisions. Give $10 to get them started.



of $450 raised

Rosemary donated $25.

Lorraine donated.

Lorraine donated.

Dari donated $5.

Adam donated $50.

Michael donated $40.

What your donation can do!

  • $10 Buys one book
  • $150 Buys 15 books
  • $500 Buys 3 cases of books

Project Updates

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Rosemary donated $25.

81 months ago

Lorraine donated.

85 months ago

Lorraine donated.

86 months ago

Dari donated $5.

87 months ago

Armando shared.

89 months ago

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