Train Fish Farmers in Cameroon

Project Leader:

Sister Mewoulou Marie Thérèse Brigit

Sister Marie is training children as fish farmers to reverse the impact of AIDs. Children in Cameroon who have lost their caregivers due to AIDs (304,000 in 2010 alone!) are rejected by society and are often unable to attend school. Sr. Marie cares for many of these children at the Hope Center in Yaounde, giving them the love and attention they do not receive elsewhere. Through a partnership with a school of agriculture nearby, Sister Marie is raising money so that 10 Hope Center children can attend a nearby agriculture school and receive training in fish breeding and sales. These new skills will give these children a new life! Not only will they learn a useful trade, it will enable them to move away from stigma of being AIDs orphans and begin a cultural shift that helps raise whole communities out of poverty. Can you give $20 so Sr. Marie can change the lives of these children?



of $5,000 raised

Joshua donated $260.

Joshua donated $50.

Deborah donated $50.

Poul donated $25.

Anonymous donated $25.

Carlos donated.

Poul donated $26.

Jean donated $50.

Bob donated $25.

Anonymous donated $15.

Nancy donated $50.

Thomas donated $50.

Jean donated $50.

Megan donated $25.

Neil donated $25.

Lawrence donated.

Anne donated $19.

Anonymous donated $8.

Richard donated $250.

Anonymous donated $50.

Anonymous donated $10.

Irene donated $25.

Anonymous donated $100.

Mark donated $25.

Paul donated $25.

Phillip donated $50.

M Jeffrey donated $25.

Gerard donated $25.

Barbara donated $25.

Colleen donated $50.

JoAnne donated $750.

Anonymous donated $35.

Anonymous donated $100.

Annette donated $25.

Anonymous donated $25.

Richard donated $100.

Cathy donated $25.

Leo P donated $50.

Mike donated $10.

Sandra donated $25.

Jean donated $25.

Anne donated $10.

Barbara donated $25.

Phillip donated $25.

Cecilia donated $25.

Denise donated $10.

Jean donated $10.

Billy donated $25.

Howard donated $10.

Patricia donated $25.

What your donation can do!

  • $20 Helps pay the fees for one student
  • $100 Pays tuition for one student for one year

Project Updates

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Joshua donated $260.

40 months ago

Joshua donated $50.

40 months ago

Deborah donated $50.

41 months ago

Poul donated $25.

42 months ago

Anonymous donated $25.

42 months ago

1 2 3 4 5 6   

All Fundraisers: $0 total raised so far

Want to become a fundraiser for this project? START THE PROCESS

Debra Deszell


Raised: $0