Protect girls in India

Project Leader:

Reverend Yesudsu Gorre

What many call “Bonded Child Labor” is a modern form of slavery common in Andra Pradesh, India. Families that inherit a debt send their children to work as domestic servants, in brick kilns, quarries, mines, and farms. Bonded labor leads to human trafficking and terrible abuses. Although India banned child labor 23 years ago, the country continues to have the largest number of child workers in the world. 10 million children in India, mostly girls under the age of 14 years old, work in these conditions. Fr. Gorre and the Elurupadu Mission serve low caste families who many still call “Untouchables.” This depressed caste too often cannot afford to keep their children out of the labor force. Fr. Gorre invests in building support structures for whole families so that the mission can keep their children in school. Fr. Gorre is raising money to provide food and supplementary income to families, as well as purchase materials for their small school. Give $25 to end the terrible abuses that come with child labor.



of $3,000 raised

Anonymous donated $1,000.

Dan donated $25.

Colin donated $25.

Paul donated $35.

Rebecca donated $50.

tiffany donated $50.

Theresa donated $10.

Andrew donated $25.

Anna donated $25.

Alan donated $25.

Mary Ann donated $25.

John donated $25.

Karen donated $25.

Amy donated $100.

Amanda donated $50.

Victoria donated $25.

Len donated.

Michael donated $25.

Anonymous donated $100.

Julie donated $25.

Patti donated $25.

Anonymous donated $25.

liza donated $10.

Susan donated $25.

Susan donated $50.

Andrew donated $5.

Susan donated $300.

Andrew donated $25.

Mike donated $5.

Patricia donated $20.

Damiano donated $10.

Lorraine donated.

Monica donated $10.

_ donated $100.

Sean donated $10.

Michael donated $10.

Craig donated $10.

Lorraine donated.

Kelly donated $10.

Glen donated $100.

Craig donated $10.

Audrey donated $10.

Mariangeles donated $100.

John donated $20.

Patricia donated $50.

Teresa donated $100.

Bernardina donated $10.

Joanne donated $10.

Joanne donated $10.

John donated $100.

What your donation can do!

  • $10 Helps buy school materials
  • $100 Provides food for a family
  • $250 Provides a small salary for a family

Project Updates

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I sincerely thank you my dear loving benefactors for your kind donations through Missio towards the poor and orphan children of Elurupadu mission. Your every donation is made use for the benefit of these vulnerable children. Through your generosity children are able to continue their education for the better future. I am ever ever grateful to Missio and its benefactors.

59 months ago

Thank you my dear Benefactors for all your support and blessings upon my children

69 months ago

I sincerely thank you dear friends for your kindness and generosity towards my mission and children. I am ever ever grateful to missio and its friends

79 months ago

Anonymous donated $1,000.

79 months ago

Project Leader:

Yesudsu Gorre
Thank you thank you. I am ever grateful to you

79 months ago

Dan donated $25.

79 months ago

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All Fundraisers: $0 total raised so far

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Lynn Fischer


Raised: $0