Repair Schools in Belize

Project Leader:

Very Reverend Athanasius Williams

A gift of $25 helps teachers put rooves back on their schools. Hurricane Earl struck Belize in 2016 causing severe damage to buildings and infrastructure. Central roads were blocked due to inland and coastal flooding and seven of the country’s Catholic schools were so damaged they could not re-open. The schools cannot receive students until they repair the rooves and replace kitchen appliances needed for their extensive food service programs. Fr. Athanasius is asking for help from the Missio community. Let’s repair these schools.



of $1,000 raised

Anonymous donated $50.

Jennifer donated $50.

Carole donated $50.

Chandrawiguna donated $50.

Deirdre donated $50.

Mary Ann donated $50.

Alvin donated $50.

Mark donated $25.

Gerard donated $25.

Edward donated $10.

Anonymous donated $50.

Mariangeles donated $20.

Joan donated $25.

Craig donated $25.

Anonymous donated $25.

Anonymous donated $50.

Dario donated $10.

Anthony donated $25.

Anonymous donated $25.

Mary Ann donated $25.

Patrick donated $25.

Catherine donated $5.

Patricia donated $10.

Raymond donated $10.

Joe donated $10.

Monika donated $10.

Monika donated $10.

Monika donated $10.

Lew donated $80.

Paul donated $5.

Andrew donated $10.

Chris donated $50.

Andrew donated $10.

What your donation can do!

  • $10 Helps purchase materials to replace the roof
  • $20 Helps pay for new windows
  • $50 Pays for construction materials

Project Updates

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Anonymous donated $50.

52 months ago

Jennifer donated $50.

52 months ago

Carole donated $50.

52 months ago

Chandrawiguna donated $50.

52 months ago

Deirdre donated $50.

52 months ago

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