Project Leader:
Mr. Francis Omollo
The Corona virus has brought untold problem. Restrictions on movement has brought hunger as markets remain closed and people cannot access where to exchange their wares. Coupled with the fact that a majority of the residents live from hand to mouth, the sufferings is great. The Ministry of Health requirement of wearing masks, using sanitizers and constant use of soap have not been adhered to well enough because of the difficulty in getting them. Life for children with schools closed and with the elderly, alone and abandoned pose higher risks. Please consider supporting this project to be able to provide basic items and pastoral care.
Ann donated $1,000.
Vinny donated $30.
Margaret donated $50.
Rejith donated $50.
Anonymous donated $50.
Jain donated $25.
George donated $100.
Jean donated $50.
Helen donated $50.
Anonymous donated $25.
Mary donated $50.
Kathie donated $20.
janina donated $90.
annabel donated $25.
Anonymous donated $100.
Dan donated $250.
Lisa donated $50.
Carmen donated $50.
Victoria donated $51.
Carole donated $50.
Richard donated $50.
Ernestina donated $25.
Elizabeth donated $25.