Healing the sick in the Pope’s Missions

Project Leader:

Pope Francis

There are 6,400 Church-run hospitals and small clinics in Africa, and 4,700 in Asia, where those who are poor and sick are provided loving care by missionaries of the Pope’s Missions. The Catholic Church is able to bring hope to so many through support on MISSIO. Your gift helps missionaries like Father Joachim provide treated mosquito netting to protect moms-to-be from malaria in Ghana. It brings relief and supplies from the pandemic to remote areas in Thailand. It helps Father Eugene provide needed medical care to poor children in Uganda. It helps Religious Sisters care for expectant mothers in Nigeria. Pope Francis reminds us to answer God’s missionary call. Please keep the Pope’s missions in your prayers and send your gift of $25 – which can do such much right now, especially at this unprecedented time! Thank you!



of $5,000 raised

Diana donated $100.

Mary Lynn donated $25.

John donated $15.

Scott donated $50.

Mary Jane donated $50.

Helen donated $100.

Mary Lynn donated $25.

John donated $15.

Eric donated $50.

Jean donated $50.

Sharon donated $30.

Primo donated $25.

Anonymous donated $25.

Jean donated $50.

Jean donated $50.

Mary Lynn donated $25.

John donated $15.

Anonymous donated $50.

Sheila donated $50.

donna donated $10.

Helen donated $50.

HANH donated $50.

Eric donated $50.

Mary Lynn donated $25.

John donated $15.

Anonymous donated $50.

Anonymous donated $25.

Jean donated $50.

Anonymous donated $50.

Mary donated $25.

Alma donated $50.

Anonymous donated $50.

Mary Lynn donated $25.

John donated $15.

Caryn donated $50.

Mary Lynn donated $25.

John donated $15.

Hanh donated $50.

Judy donated $50.

John donated $15.

Mary Lynn donated $25.

Judy donated $50.

John donated $15.

Neil donated $25.

Barbara donated $200.

John donated $15.

Hanh donated $50.

Mary Jo donated $50.

Judy donated $50.

hanh donated $50.

What your donation can do!

  • $50 helps towards PPE for a Sister
  • $150 helps towards medical supplies for a clinic
  • $500 sponsors one child’s orthopedic surgery

Project Updates

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Diana donated $100.

41 months ago

Mary Lynn donated $25.

42 months ago

John donated $15.

42 months ago

Scott donated $50.

42 months ago

Mary Jane donated $50.

42 months ago

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