St. Anthony Zaccaria Seminary, Philippines

Project Leader:

Very Reverend Robert Kosek, Crsp

The St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria Seminary was completed in 1992 and is situated in Marikina City, Metro Manila. It serves as the formation house for aspirants and postulants for the Clerics Regular of St. Paul (Barnabite Fathers). The students who now study philosophy come from all over the Philippines (Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao) and many of which come from very impoverished families and low-income groups who can barely financially support the cost of seminary formation. We have currently 13 seminarians under our care (distributed among Grades 12, Freshmen & Sophomore Philosophy students), and the vocation campaign has been severely hampered by the current pandemic. Please consider supporting their vocations.



of $5,000 raised

Anonymous donated $925.

Darren donated $500.

Darren donated $50.

nancy donated $25.

Anonymous donated $100.

Bridget donated.

Carmelita donated $50.

Anonymous donated $25.

Mark donated $50.

Darren donated $50.

Edwin donated $25.

Anonymous donated $75.

Neil donated $25.

Anonymous donated $900.

Anonymous donated $1,000.

Minda donated $1,000.

Anonymous donated $100.

What your donation can do!

  • $50 helps buy textbooks
  • $100 helps secure enrollment
  • $250 helps provide food and shelter

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Dear Donors, during the Black Friday, the Seminary Community of St Anthony Zaccaria in praying with the Station of the Cross! You are in our prayers. Please also pray for us. God bless. The Barnabite Community of SAMZ. Seminary.

39 months ago

41 months ago

Anonymous donated $925.

41 months ago

Project Leader:

Robert Kosek, CRSP
February 4, 2021 Dear Friend, Maraming-maraming Salamat Po! which translates – “Many, many thanks!” Thank you for your kind and very generous gift of $925 as support toward our Barnabite formation work, here in the Philippines – the Catholic heart of Asia. It is a real consolation to me to realize that there are those who are willing to make sacrifices in order to share in our mission of the Catholic Church. In a very real sense, you are among those who give life to our existence as a seminary, where are being formed young men to become a fisherman for Christ. The generosity of benefactors like you never ceases to amaze me. It is always heartwarming when we are surprised by an unexpected donation. It is with deep and mindful gratitude that I send you my priestly blessing. You cannot even imagine with what joy and gratefulness we welcome your very generous considering this very trying pandemic time. A donation like yours, as you know, goes a long way in helping us in forming our seminarians every month. Our monthly cost of maintaining a seminarian amounts to $ 294.00. Thank you for what you have for us through your generous gift in our effort to prayerfully imitate the ultimate servant, Christ, in what we strive to do each and every day. God bless! Sincerely Yours in the Lord, Fr. Robert Kosek, CRSP Director of Mission Development Office NOTA BENE Your donation completed our goal of $5 000.00. May the LORD BE PRAISE IN HIS GOODNESS. Thank you and thank you.

41 months ago

"Each one must do as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7

41 months ago

Darren donated $500.

41 months ago

Project Leader:

Robert Kosek, CRSP
February 03/2021- Memorial of St. Blaise | Dear Darren, Greetings in the LORD! Thank you for your very generous gift. THANK YOU ! THANK YOU! The human heart possesses a mysterious capacity to share generously one's treasure with others. I wish to give thanks to God for your generosity towards our seminarians. I can assure you of my and their prayers. I know that God will make grow seed of love hundrefold in the lives our Filipino semianarian. Concluding let me offer this prayer for you. God bless. Fr. Robert O God, bountiful in forgiving, and lovingly desirous of man's salvation, we humbly beseech Thy mercy in behalf of our friends, relations and benefactors, who have passed from this world, that, through the intercession of Blessed Mary ever Virgin and all the Saints, Thou wouldst permit them to come to the full participation of everlasting happiness. Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

41 months ago

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