Support primary education in the Pope’s Missions

Project Leader:

Pope Francis

The Catholic Church brings hope to those in need through 80,000 primary and secondary schools in Africa and Asia. In Asia, six million children receive an education from Religious Sisters in more than 15,000 Church-run elementary schools. The Catholic Church in Africa operates more than 53,000 primary and secondary schools, educating more than 23 million students - bringing a future of hope to so many! Sister Monica Otoo, Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus, helps educate over 2,000 children at the Ancilla School Wa in Ghana. She and the other Sisters motivate little ones by providing nutritional, emotional, and spiritual care. Pope Francis reminds us to answer God’s missionary call. Please keep the Pope’s missions in your prayers and send your gift of $25 – which can do such much right now, especially during this recovery time! Thank you!



of $5,500 raised

Maggie donated $50.

Ray & Charlotte donated $100.

Mary donated $250.

Liz donated $5.

Nick donated $50.

Anonymous donated $50.

Anonymous donated $380.

Anonymous donated $100.

Thomas donated $100.

Anonymous donated $1,000.

Daniela donated $100.

Karen donated $50.

Nick donated $50.

Deborah donated $25.

Angela donated $50.

Sugi donated $50.

Anonymous donated $100.

Liz donated $5.

Chandrawiguna donated $50.

Mariangeles donated $48.

Anonymous donated $30.

Anonymous donated $50.

Dennis donated $25.

Anonymous donated $10.

MARYANN donated $25.

Deborah donated $25.

Elizabeth donated $30.

Nick donated $50.

Pat donated $100.

Jesse donated $50.

David donated $50.

Marie donated $25.

Anonymous donated $50.

Matthew donated $5.

Anonymous donated $100.

Jeannie donated $50.

Ted donated $25.

Anonymous donated $500.

Edna donated $25.

Patti donated $50.

Alan donated $25.

Astrid donated.

Karen donated $5.

Mark donated $25.

Anonymous donated $25.

Gloria donated $25.

Tom donated $5.

GHADA donated $25.

Joan donated $50.

SALLE ANN S. donated $75.

What your donation can do!

  • $50 helps buy masks
  • $100 helps buy technology for 4 months
  • $250 helps buy uniforms and desks

Project Updates

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Maggie donated $50.

31 months ago

Ray & Charlotte donated $100.

31 months ago

Mary donated $250.

31 months ago

Liz donated $5.

31 months ago

Nick donated $50.

31 months ago

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