A Community Kitchen in the Philippines

Project Leader:

Reverend Josel Beltran

Help Fr. Beltran feed his neighbors in Roxas City, Philippines. In 2013, he started a soup kitchen to serve the 30 elderly neighbors and and many poor children in the community. His parishioners and volunteers raised the money themselves to begin this community kitchen. Fr. Beltran and his volunteers start cooking at 9am each day, and pray together over each meal. This little community kitchen is making an incredible difference in the health and spirit of the community surrounding the parish. With success, comes growth. The amount of people the kitchen feeds every day has doubled. Fr. Beltran is raising just $2500 to supplement local donations to buy rice and protein, pay for transportation for some of the older guests, and purchase small prizes for seasonal celebrations and games. Give $10 to help this community in the Philippines feed its neighbors.



of $2,500 raised

Kathy donated $100.

Penny donated $25.

Michael donated $10.

Anonymous donated $10.

Anonymous donated $10.

Patricia donated $25.

Hermilo donated $25.

Anonymous donated $10.

Joseph donated $50.

w donated $10.

Anonymous donated $10.

John S donated $10.

Joseph donated $25.

Herbert donated $10.

Luz donated $25.

Michael donated $50.

Victor donated $60.

Anthony donated $10.

Anonymous donated $50.

w donated $25.

Jason donated $30.

Maria donated $25.

w donated $25.

w donated $10.

w donated $20.

Lorraine donated.

w donated $20.

Bernardina donated $10.

Lorraine donated.

w donated $20.

Lorraine donated.

Patricia donated $200.

Len donated $20.

Lorraine donated.

Patricia donated $30.

melanie donated $50.

w donated $20.

ma christina donated $10.

Paul donated $20.

Lorraine donated.

John donated $20.

Craig donated $20.

Patricia donated $5.

Paul donated $5.

Cember donated $20.

Mary Ann donated $20.

Audrey donated $5.

w donated $10.

John donated $10.

Patricia donated $10.

What your donation can do!

  • $10 Helps buy food, (rice,meat,fish,dessert)
  • $20 Helps pays for transportation (because many are commuting to the kitchen)
  • $50 Helps buy prizes for the community games.

Project Updates

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In behalf of Fr. Beltran, thank you all brothers and sisters in Christ. Fr. Beltran will have now fund to sustain his Soup Kitchen ministry. May God bless you all for your generous heart and God may return hundredfold of blessing to you and to your family.

75 months ago

Kathy donated $100.

76 months ago

Penny donated $25.

76 months ago

Michael donated $10.

76 months ago

Anonymous donated $10.

76 months ago

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All Fundraisers: $0 total raised so far

Want to become a fundraiser for this project? START THE PROCESS

Patricia Permano


Raised: $0