Ayudar a los prisioneros de Ruanda a asistir a misa

Lider de Proyecto

Reverend Angelo Nisengwe

Done $ 10 para un uniforme de prisionero en Ruanda. ¿Por qué? Es una historia interesante. Los prisioneros de la prisión de Musanze, en Ruanda tienen una barrera adicional que restringe su libertad. De los 1600 prisioneros, solo 530 pueden asistir a misas y actividades recreativas porque al salir de las paredes de la prisión deben usar uniformes de la prisión. La prisión solo tiene tantos uniformes. Dentro de la prisión, los internos usan su propia ropa. Para que más prisioneros puedan asistir a misa si lo desean, y pasar un tiempo al aire libre, la Diócesis de Ruhengeri construyó una capilla y espacio al aire libre cerca de la prisión, para servir a este grupo olvidado. El Padre Angelo ahora está recaudando dinero para nuevos uniformes de prisioneros, para que más puedan usar las nuevas instalaciones. 'Verdaderamente les digo, así como lo hicieran con uno de los más pequeños miembros de mi familia, así me lo hicieron a mí' (Mateo 25:40). Con $ 10 compraremos un uniforme para un prisionero.



de $5,000 recaudado

Anonymous donated $100.

Debra donated $50.

Amy donated $10.

Rebecca donated $10.

John donated $10.

w donated $10.

joanna donated $50.

David donated $25.

Jeff donated $10.

Patrick donated $25.

Anonymous donated $10.

Bob donated $25.

Bob donated $25.

Anonymous donated $20.

Anonymous donated $10.

simon donated $50.

Renato donated $50.

Jason donated $1,000.

John donated $25.

Jim donated $25.

Ankica donated $10.

Brian donated $10.

Herbert donated $10.

jacqueline donated $25.

Anonymous donated $100.

Scott donated $100.

Elizabeth donated $10.

Susan donated $100.

Susan donated $25.

jacqueline donated $25.

Anonymous donated $100.

Mary donated $30.

Anonymous donated $40.

joanna donated $50.

Anonymous donated $10.

Chris donated $10.

Susan donated $25.

derek donated $20.

Anonymous donated $25.

John donated $50.

Patricia donated $10.

Andrew donated $25.

w donated $10.

Miguel donated $20.

Miguel donated $20.

Kelly donated $10.

jacqueline donated $50.

Lorraine donated.

C O O P S donated $100.

Bernardina donated $10.

¡Lo que su donación puede hacer!

  • $10 It can bay a uniform for one prisonner
  • $20 It can buy two uniforms for two prisoners
  • $100 It can buy uniforms for 10 prisoners

Actualizaciones de Proyectos

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Greetings. Gin bless

69 months ago

Dear benefactors greeting in Christ, I'm very glad to thank you for the 5015 Dollars you fundrised for our prisoners. The Bishop is very happy as he showed it in the letter I sent you. The prisoners are also very thankful for all those who contributed to this project. Last Sunday, the Bishop went in the prison to celebrate the confirmation and explain to the prisoners about the project. With the mount we gave uniforms to 501 prisonners. They are very happy. The attendance in the mass in now high. Unfortunately, in our Country they don't agree to take photos of prisoners. It is why the photos I put on the post to show you the prisoners in mass don't show a lot of prisoners. You will see somre receiving confirmation and others on the stage. Thank you. Please continue helping us to help those in need. Father Angelo NISENGWE.

74 months ago

The Ruhengeri Diocese has a complex program for prisoners. But with these 5015 $, we will focus on the uniforms for prisoners. The prisoners like the mass and danses. But you can't attend those activities without uniform. Each sunday we celebrate the mass in the prison. The Bishop also goes there three times a year. Because of your help, the next pastoral visit of the Bishop in the prison will be the occasion to thank God and all those who fundrised for this project. About 500 prisoners will be in uniforms because off you. Thanks to God and all those who accept to help all his children in prison. On Christmas and Easter we give food to all the prisoners. Please help us to be able to continue all those programs for prisoners.

78 months ago

Dear benefactors, I would like to thank all those who contibuted to this project. Now with your support we can buy uniforms for 500 prisoners. May Dod bless you all. Please continue to support all he programs that Ruhengeri Diocese is initiating for prisoner. I will you also the happy Easter feast.

79 months ago

Anonymous donated $100.

79 months ago

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Todos los recaudadores de fondos: $100 total recaudado hasta el momento

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Karen Hostoffer


Recaudado: $100

Theresa Zaccardo


Recaudado: $0

Delbert Bassett


Recaudado: $0