Build A Church In Nigeria

Project Leader:

Mrs. Josephine Nzidee

Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, was founded in 1945. The community has yet to have a church building of their own in which to celebrate Mass. Josephine is raising money to finally build a place for her community to worship. A gift of $20 helps Sacred Heart Catholic Church reach its long overdue goal.



of $2,500 raised

Anonymous donated $2,375.

Monique donated $25.

Jared donated $50.

Henry donated $25.

What your donation can do!

  • $10 This can help purchased a bag of cemnent
  • $50 This can buy us a trip of sand
  • $100 This can help us buy a pew

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I have received the funds from the Catholic Diocese of Port Harcourt, I also got a greatsupport from a parishioner Sir Anthony M.N.Gua, he graciously provided the wood used. The Bishop and the Auxiliary of the Catholic Diocese of Port Harcourt also supported the work to get this far.To the Donors we appreciate you so much.

45 months ago

Anonymous donated $2,375.

56 months ago

Monique donated $25.

67 months ago

At last we are very hopeful that we will have a comfortable place of worship and this would not have being possible without your love and support. On behalf of my community I say thank you

67 months ago

Jared donated $50.

67 months ago

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All Fundraisers: $0 total raised so far

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Josephine Nzidee


Raised: $0