Build a Home of Welcome for Catechists

Project Leader:

Clément Herizo Rakotoasimbola

There are fewer than 20 priests to serve more than 30,000 Catholics who live in the Diocese of Maintirano in Madagascar. Catechists are an important part of the local church here – helping to transmit the faith by visiting remote villages and teaching about God and praying with people. To support these volunteers, the diocese provides training three times annually. However, as the number of catechists grow, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a central location where they can gather to learn, exchange ideas and be inspired. That is why Father Janvier is raising funds to build a welcome center for catechists. Much work needs to be done, but with help from the MISSIO community, Father is confident that the work will be completed!



of $3,000 raised

Gary donated $50.

Anonymous donated $25.

Rose donated $50.

Anonymous donated $50.

Susan donated $50.

Anonymous donated $250.

James donated $50.

Sister Cecilia donated $25.

Cxx donated $20.

Anonymous donated $50.

Mary Ann donated $50.

Tienne donated $25.

Melina donated $15.

Margus donated $25.

Margaret donated $25.

Nicholas donated $50.

Lee donated $50.

Magdalena donated $50.

Anonymous donated $25.

Lawrence donated $50.

Anonymous donated $100.

Kim donated $1.

Anonymous donated $100.

Anonymous donated $100.

Anonymous donated $50.

Regina E donated $50.

Jeffrey donated $50.

Diego donated $25.

Ida donated $25.

Modesta donated $25.

Anonymous donated $100.

RAMON donated $120.

Neil donated $25.

Anonymous donated $50.

Stephan donated $25.

Anonymous donated $25.

Teresa donated $25.

Margus donated $25.

Mark donated $25.

Jean donated $10.

Anonymous donated $250.

amie donated $5.

Rebecca donated $5.

irene donated $5.

Billy donated $25.

What your donation can do!

  • $250 helps buy food and medicine
  • $500 helps with labor
  • $1,000 helps buy cement and construction material

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C'est le père RAKOTOASIMBOLA Clément Herizo, l'actuel Curé du district d'Antsalova et le nouveau titulaire de ce projet ! Je voudrais remercier la missio et surtout vous tous bienfaiteurs (rives) pour vos générosités et vos devouements pour nous aider à réaliser notre projet ! Le processus d'encaissement et en cour, il suffit d'attendre le passage de notre évêque à la Nonciature pour récupérer le chèque ! Je vous donnerai toujours la suite ! Encore merci infiniment ! Que Dieu vous récompense et vous bénisse ! Union de prière

48 months ago

Un immense merci à toutes et à tous qui ont apporté leur aide massivement pour le bien commun de nos villages . Que Dieu qui riche en amour vous donne la récompense. Père Janvier ms.

49 months ago

Gary donated $50.

49 months ago

Anonymous donated $25.

49 months ago

Rose donated $50.

49 months ago

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All Fundraisers: $0 total raised so far

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Ontiveros Alejandra


Raised: $0