Elija un proyecto. Establezca su meta. Difunde la palabra.

Como recaudador de fondos de MISSIO, usted está eligiendo hacer un poco más para ayudar a un proyecto a tener éxito: Comparta el proyecto que usted selecciona con amigos y familia a través de email y en medios sociales. Crea un evento en tu parroquia o escuela. Sea creativo. En el siguiente formulario, establezca su meta de fondos y explique por qué este proyecto le habla. A continuación, difunda la palabra.

Support the Catholic Medical Missions
Be a Champion for Missionary Healthcare

It’s sad to think that, with the advances in modern healthcare, there are still people in the world dying from treatable illnesses like a cold or the flu. Many people in missionary areas lack the basic healthcare they need to live long and healthy lives. But now you can help give that healthcare to the poor and forgotten by fundraising through MISSIO’s crowdfunding platform.

With just a little effort on your part, you can join Pope Francis in his efforts to provide Catholic healthcare in places like the Philippines, Cameroon, Nigeria, Bolivia, and so many others. Join us in our healthcare fundraising today! The missions need you.