Choose a project. Set your goal. Spread the word.

As a MISSIO Fundraiser, you are spreading news about a project and helping it succeed. Share the project you select with friends and family through emails and on social media. Create an event in your parish or school. Below, you can set your fundraising goal and tell us why this project speaks to you. Then spread the word. Click here for tips on how to be a successful fundraiser.

How to support Catholic Missionary Seminarians

It takes a lot of money to send a young man to the seminary. He’ll need books. He’ll need food. He’ll need a place to stay. And this doesn’t even take into account the cost of running the seminary itself! The sad reality is, many Catholic missionary seminarians simply don’t have the resources they need to make it to ordination.

Pope Francis is calling on you to help support missionary seminarians. And now seminary fundraising has never been easier thanks to MISSIO. With our crowdfunding platform, you can easily raise money for the missionary seminarians on their way to becoming missionary priests. Let’s support our future Catholic missionary priests today!