Choose a project. Set your goal. Spread the word.

As a MISSIO Fundraiser, you are spreading news about a project and helping it succeed. Share the project you select with friends and family through emails and on social media. Create an event in your parish or school. Below, you can set your fundraising goal and tell us why this project speaks to you. Then spread the word. Click here for tips on how to be a successful fundraiser.

Spread Catholic Social Justice
Raise Money for the Pope’s Charity

Every day you hear about the millions of refugees displaced by war in the Middle East. Reports of human trafficking are all too common. And even more disturbing is the sad reality of child slavery and prostitution. It can feel as if no one is doing anything to stop these human rights violations. But what can you do to heal the world and spread social justice?

It’s simple. You can start charity fundraising through MISSIO—powered by the Pontifical Missions Societies! With MISSIO it’s never been easier to join the fight against human rights violations by raising money for a charity that’s spreading Catholic social justice and healing the world. We have plenty of charity fundraising ideas and options for you to choose from! Join us and together we’ll spread Catholic social justice!